This site is dedicated to all of the MacMeanmain families around the world. The pages are continually under development, and the result of the co-operation and shared research of many of our families.
If you are a McMenemy, or related to a McMenemy, McMenemin, McMenamy, McMenamie, McManaman, McMenaman, McMenomy, McMenamin (or any of the numerous variations in their spelling) then this site is for you. Welcome.
What will you find on this site?
- Information about the family name and its History, this includes:
- The history of the name
- Facts about the name
- A Milesian Genealogy
- A breakdown of the name distribution
- Records to help you research, this includes:
- Fragments of Family Trees from our family groups across the world
- Vital Records, and indexes that feature the families
- Census information that features the families
- Families, which includes:
- Links to other resources and web sites that feature or belong to our families
- Details of current research requests regarding our families across the world
- News Items (or links to news items) that feature the family
- Obituaries (or links to obits) that feature the family
- The adminisphere...
- What's New (a change log for the site)
- Table of Contents
Among these pages you will find the story of different branches of the McMenemy family, links to Web sites and articles related to, or written by McMenemys, legends, and vital records information.
I would like to start compiling and sharing as much information as possible about the family name.