Several heraldic devices, crests or Coats of Arms have emerged for the family. If you would like to see them, Bob Collins had kindly made them available online, but his web address seems to have changed, so you may need to do a little detective work.
There seem to be further variations available:
Family Crest
a further alternative is:
Coat of Arms
Some discussion has taken place over the years regarding the use of a Tartan. Aeneas Mc Menamin tells us there IS a Donegal tartan, blue background, which is very attractive. So if someone wanted a tartan and their relatives came from Donegal, which most of them did, they could wear that tartan.
In the Los Padres National Forest there is a McMenemy trail. This on 2.7 miles long and is suitable for hiking and backpacking. An organisation called Santa Barbara Hikes has information about hiking the McMenemy trail on their website.
In St Paul, Minnesota there is a McMenemy Street. Nearby is the town of Rosemount, Mn. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. tells us that his gg-grandfather McMenomy (born Donegal, Ireland) was one of the founders of Rosemount. He built the first store there. The town is the birthplace of Rosemount Incorporated, which now makes aerospace engineering products for NASA and others. Many of his relatives still live there and the surrounding area (including Minneapolis/ St Paul). Several have and do own companies and farms and have served as mayors and civil servants in the town. Rosemount's web page provides some history, although it is a bit inaccurate on some points. (Virtual footnote: David McMenemy points out that there is an area of Londonderry known as Rosemount)
In Washington County, Nebraska one of the founding pioneers was Chas. McMenemy
1882, McMenomy - Shot
In Boothill Graveyard, Tombstone, Arizona there is a cross marking the burial of a family member
There is also an entry in the history of Tombstone, as chronicled by its newspaper, The Epitaph giving the reference of a report about rustlers dated March 18, 1881:
"P. McMinnimen has lost all of his finest fat steers (oxen)"
In a book recording the Deans of Derry there is an entry
"1407 Eugene McMeanman O'Donnell"
From the Tyrone constitution dated July 20 1883.
Whilst a number of men were engaged pulling down some old houses in Harvey St. (Derry), a gable wall suddenly fell, burying almost all in the ruins. Fortunately they escaped with slight injuries except a man named John Doherty from the Waterside and a labourer named William J Mc Menamin residing in Quarry Road. Both men were almost immediately conveyed to the County Infirmary. Doherty received a very severe wound to the side of his head and back of his hand but was in no danger. Mc Menamin is in a most frightful condition. His body being literally mangled, mouth and chin torn away and left arm almost torn off the body. His throat was deeply gashed. There are not the slightest hopes of his recovery entertained.
My thanks to David Mac for this snippet!
Jim Foster writes regarding "McMenemy Road"
I grew up in and moved away from Saint Peters, MO in 1979. The “McEnemy’s” as we knew them had a relatively large farm that we played in, on and around. As no kid had ever seen the family, wild stories were regularly circulated as to the daily whereabouts of “OLD MAN McENEMY.” Other wild stories had it that if you were caught on the property, you would spend one year in this dungeon et cetera. I do honestly think that they were old and probably retired.
In 1981 they whole place was torn down, and Mid-Rivers Mall went up. The census population was like 550 in 1970. We moved there in 1972. In 1980 it was about 5000 and in 1990 it was nearing 45,000 and is about 54,000 now.
I lived at that farm for at least one hour a day every day during the summer break from age 4 through 9. I do still miss that barn.
We have debated, researched, and debated some more over the years. Where does our name come from? Who were our ancestors?
I will start with a summary of the current, collective wisdom. Then, I will show some of the earlier discussions, and comments that we have gathered.
Our Name
The story of our name begins in the Kingdom of Tirconnel, or Donegal as we know it today. In 1281, a member of the powerful (ruling) O'Donnell clan, the "Lector O'Donnell" was chieftain of Fanad.
The Lector had two sons Cormac, and Menman. Cormac was later killed in battle, but nothing is known of Menman (Meanmain), other than the fact that he too had sons.
The families to which we belong are descended from Menman (Meanmain). The name first appears in about 1303 in the Annals of Ulster (see below) where Donnchadh Mac Menman and Aedh Mac Menman were recorded as killed in battle.
This account identifies them as the sons or grandsons of "the Lector O'Donnell", or "the Scholar O'Donnell".
The MacMeanmans featured in the Annals' entries were warriors - the Lector O'Donnell was described as "chieftain of Fanad," a territory in Donegal in the north of the county, and his grandsons were slain in a dynastic feud between two of the ruling O'Donnell line. But Lector was an important church office - one mentioned constantly in the Annals - and it seems clear that the Lector O'Donnell's descendants (the MacMeanmans) found their future in the Irish church.
The Annals were compiled by monks from the oral history that had been passed down through generations. The objective was to record the history of Ireland for future generations.
The "Lector" is a translation of "fer leigind" or "Ferleighinn".
They probably turned to the church because the real political power in Donegal was in the hands of their cousins, the O'Donnells, and their home territory of Fanad was soon taken over by the MacSweeneys, a gallowglass sept from Scotland, who served the O'Donnell Kings. Certainly one scholarly reference talks of "Mac Meanmans (a discarded branch of the O Domhnaill dynasty)".
The concept of M'Meanmains being a declining or discarded branch is because as time passed in late medieval gaelic Ireland, families that were once very closely related to the ruling chieftains became less important as each new chieftain took over
There are a large number of listings for MacMeanman in the Papal Letters. For the most part, these men were described simply as MacMeanman. But in other instances, they were called "MacMeanman O'Donnell," or in some, simply "O'Donnell." In others they were called "MacMeanman, alias O'Donnell." These references run from the late 1300s to the late 1400s, and seem to confirm the information from the "History of Donegal," that the MacMeanmans were a branch of the O'Donnells of Tirconnell, the ruling race in Donegal. One of the letters even mentions a claim of royal descent for the MacMeanman involved.
All is quiet during the 1500's. It is not until 1600's that the name appears again in official documents. In the "Fiants - Elizabeth, 1600-1601" (this is the Pardon List), pardon is granted to Neyce bane M'Manaman. It is unclear for what crime or misdemeanour the pardon was granted.
What happened to them after that date? According to MacLysaght, in about 1600 they were named as "followers of O'Donnell" in an English document, which would imply they were still a cohesive sept at that date and probably held a territory of some kind or at least a minor position of authority under the O'Donnells.
Darren Mac Eiteagain of University College Dublin in his"Donegal History and Society: Interdisciplinary Essays on the History of an Irish County" explains: "...the practice of 'Rome running'...was always strong in Gaelic Ireland. Competition between such clerical families as O Firgil, O Gallchobair, Mac Congail, Mac Giolla Bhrighe and O Muirgheasain, who were allied with the ruling dynasty of Tir Chonnaill and declining families, such as Mac Maongail, and the Mac Meanmans (a discarded branch of the O Domhnaill dynasty), was so intense, that it lead to an increasing diplomatic sophistication in church circles. Letters accusing rivals of corruption and papal replies passed to and fro between Tir Chonaill and Rome...with some clergy even making personal visits to Rome."
It is widely thought that Mac Meanmans were driven into the bogs and mountains of the Finn Valley (Gleann Finn) during the James I reign in England. This appears to be supported by letters sent during the Ordnance Survey of 1835. One includes a list of names that were found in Glenn Finn and amongst the names is the quote:
"Mac Menamon - Mac Meanmann - all bright fellows".
No change there, then; it must be the genes !!!
The family dispersed over the years. The name became common in Co. Mayo, after Cromwell's evictions between 1654 and 1660 saw new settlers arriving from the North.
Other families settled in Scotland (there had always been a migration between the countries); some in England and other went further afield.
We now have family members in Australia, Canada, Hungary, South Africa, USA
The settlers arrived in Tonragee, Ballycroy and Achill. This area had long-standing links with the O'Donnells. Among the family names recorded as incomers was Mc Manamon
The Lector
A book on the educated classes of Early Irish society, explains:
"Recruited from the nobility and infused with the values of that class, the literati were conscious of themselves as an intellectual elite modeled on the Levites of the Old Testament. They categorized themselves in four kinds:
'ecnae' or 'fer leigind', a scholar of Latin learning (Latin 'sapiens');
'brithem', who kept the laws;
'senchaid', a genealogist or historian; and
'file', a poet and storyteller.
Any of the four could be layman or cleric, but all were trained in monastic communities, and most probably remained resident there."
Background Discussions
I thought that you might like to know what we have gleaned about the McMenemy families and their roots.
Genealogical resources state that the names McMenemy, McMenamy, McMenamin and similar are derivations of the Gaelic McMeanma meaning mind or spirit. Different resources claim the family name comes from Donegal, Tyrone or Antrim.
The facts of the matter are not clear, particularly if you look at the Name Distribution. However, our own research and discussions have concluded that the family originated in Donegal, and this seems to be well supported by historical documents.
Margo Metegrano (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) is the great great granddaughter of Mary Ann McMenemy and provides us with this:
The book "Surnames of Ireland" by Edward MacLysaght (1980, Irish Academic Press) says:
Mac Menamin Mac Meanman. This name, originally of Tirconnell and still found there, is spelt MacManamon in Mayo. IF 78: Map Donegal. See Merriman and the next entry.
[next entry] Mac Menamy Mac Meanma (meanma, high spirits). A form of MacMenamin found in Co. Tyrone. It is MacManamy in Co. Roscommon, where MacManaway is also probably a local form.
Merriman An English name. The origin of it as a synonym of a Gaelic surname is uncertain. Mac Giolla Mheidre is only a humorous semi-translation of merryman used by Brian, the poet, whose family was probably an off-shoot of the MacNamaras, but possibly O'Houlihan. The equation with MacMenamin is improbable. MIF 178. See also Marmion.
[Marmion just notes it is a synonym of Merriman.]
The notations refer to this author's three other books, Irish Families (IF), More Irish Families (MIF), and Supplement to Irish Families (SIF). I haven't seen those books, but I presume where noted there might be additional information.
Association with the Merriman name has now been generally discounted.
Ted McMenomy has been researching the background to the name, and passes on the following:
In "The Book of Ulster Surnames" Robert Bell states that the first record of the McMenamin name is in the Annals of Loch Ce, wherein two McMenamin brothers and nephews of O'Donnell -- King of Tir Conaill (later Donegal), were killed in battle. He also claims that the Scottish branch of the clan is "of Irish origin."
Aeneas Mc Menamin, from Brisbane, has provided the following insight
I have been researching my branch of the McMenamin tree for some time now and it is my understanding that we are a sub-clan of the O'Donnells of Ulster. Meanmain was the christian name of an O'Donnell (1302/3), who was an educated man, the adminstrator and keeper of the O'Donnell castle. His son became Mac Meanmain O'Donnell. A dispute between the royal families of the O'Donnell clan, (of which there were a number), caused Meanmainn O'Donnel's branch to lose out on the chance to become king. A position which was not hereditary but by election by the other O'Donnell sub clan chiefs. The Macmeanmain's then entered the church, as many educated did, and became priests & bishops etc over many years in Donegal. (See Papal Letters). The name Meanmain O'Donnell was still in use up to the 1600s in the Roman Catholic Church.
Eventually the O'Donnell half of the name was dropped leaving McMeanmain which became McMenamin. The other derivatives of the name McMenamin (approx 26), resulted from the names being written down by census takers and others in authority, including Immigration officers in the USA, who recorded the names phonetically. The majority of the people being illiterate. (Still 81% in the 1800s). Many of the people only spoke gaelic and the pronunciation of the name McMenamin, ending in a sound similar to y or ie and e sounding likea, caused the differences. By the way it has since been shown that Merriman is NOT an English derivative of our name. For many years the Merriman or O'Donnell Coats of Arms have been incorrectly passed off as the McMenamins'.
John D. McLaughlin has kindly sent me a transcript (and some explanation) of the original entries in the Annals of Loch Ce.
1303 Annals of Ulster
Toirdhelbach Ua Domnaill, king of Tir-Conaill and Muircertach Mag Flannchadha and Donn O'Cathain and Donnchadh Mac Menman and Aedh Mac Menman, [i.e. two grand-son[s] of the Lector Ua Domnaill and Niall, son of Niall Ua Buighill and Mac Ughosai and his son and his brother and Adam Sandal [and] many other Foreigners and Gaidhil in addition were killed by Aedh Ua Domnaill, [namely] by his (own) brother (that is, the chief of Muinnter-Feodachain)...
Note: the material in brackets was inserted by the editor. The original says mac ind Firleiginn hUi Domnaill, which should be translated 'son of the Lector O'Donnell'.
1303 Annals of Loch Ce
Toirdhelghach, son of Domhnall Og O'Domhnaill, who was usually called "Toirdhelbhach of Conoc-in-Mhadhma," i.e. the king of Tir-Conaill during twelve years, both in it and out of it - a warlike, active man, and the Cuchullainno f the Clann-Dalaigh in valour - was slain by Aedh, the son of Domhnall Og, i.e. his own brother, after a long war, and after much destruction had been committed on all sides throughout the country, and a prodigious slaughter along with him of the Cenel-Eoghain, and the chhiefs of the Foreigners of the North, and of the Cenel-Conaill themselves likewise, and Muirchertach Mac Fhlannchaidh, chieftain of Dartraighe. Donn O'Cathain, king of FearaCraibhe and Cianachta, was slain there, and Donnchadh Mac Menmain and Aedh Mac Menmain - the two grandsons of the Ferleighinn O'Domhnaill; and Niall, son of Niall O'Baighill, the good material of a chieftain of the Three-Tuatha; Mac Ughossa and his son, and his brother, and Adam Sandal, and numerous Foreigners and Gaeidhel besides. And Aedh O'Domhnaill resumed his own sovereignty after this great triumph, so that after a while his government was like a sea growing calm, a tide ebbing, and a high wind subsiding.
Footnote: The Ferleighinn; lit. "the Lector." This version makes the 'grandsons' of the same Lector O'Donnell.
1303 Annals of Clonmacnoise
Terlaugh o'Donell, prince of Tyreconell, was killed by his own brother Hugh o'Donell with these ensuing men, vidzt. Mortagh Maglaghlen, Donell o'Cahan, Donogh m'Meannman, Hugh m'Meannman, sone of fferlegin o'Donell, Neale m'Donell o'Boyle, o'Heossye and his sone and his brother Addam, Adam Cendall, with many other English and Irishmen...
1303 Annals of Connacht
Toirrdelbach O Domnaill, king of Tir Conaill, was killed by Aedh his hrother, together with many others, such as Muirchertach Mag Lochlainn, Donnchadh O Cathain,Donnchad Mac Menman son of the 'Scholar' O Domnaill, Niall son of Niall O Baigill, Mac Ugosa and his son and his brother, Adam Cendal and many other Gaels and Galls who fell with them..
Donnchadh Mac Menman son of the Lector O'Domnaill....
1281 Annals of Ulster
The battle of Disert-da-crich was fought between Cenel-Conaill and Cenel-Eoghain, where fell Domnall Ua Domnaill (by Aedh Ua Neill the Tawny and by Mac Martain); namely, the man to whom were subject Fir-Manach and Ulidia, save a litle and all Fir-Breifne. The one Gaidehl that was best of hospitality and principality; the guarantor of the West of Europe. And he was buried in the Monastery of the Friars in Doire of St. Colum-cille after gaining victory of every goodness. And these were the best that were killed there: namely, Maelruaniagh O'Baighill, chief of 'the Three Territories' and Eogan, son of MailSechlainn Ua Domnaill and Cellach Ua Baighill, the one chief of his own time that was best of hospitality and bestowal and Gilla Mac Flannchadha, chief of Dartraighi and Domnall Mac Gille-Fhinnen, chief of Muinnter-Peodachain and Aindiles O'Baighill and Dubhghall, his son and Enna Ua Gairmleaghaidh, royal chief of the Cenel-Moein and Cormac, son of the Lector Ua Domnaill, chief of Fanat and Gilla-in-Choimdegh O'Maeladuin, king of Lurg and Carmac, son of Carmac Ua Domnaill and Gilla-na-noc Mac Calredocai and Mael-Sechlainn, son of Niall Ua Baighill and Aindiles, son of Muircertach Ua Domnaill and Maghnus Mac Cuinn and Gilla-na-naem O'Eochagain and Muircertach Ua Flaithbertaich and Muircertach Mac-in-Ulltaigh and Flaithbertach Mag Buidhechain and many other persons of the sons of kings and chiefs and of men-at-arms that are not reckoned here.
John goes on to explain:
"It's difficult to tell from the wording of these entries, but it appears as though Menman is being described as the son of the Lector O'Domhnaill; and his two sons, Donnchadh (Donogh) and Aedh (Hugh) Mac Menmain were the grandsons of this Lector. It should be possible, by some means, to determine who this Lector O'Domhnaill was; perhaps someone at the Clan O'Donnell would have some idea of who this could be.
At first I thought perhaps these Mac Menmans were the grandsons of the Lector O'Domhnail through the female line; but on consideration I don't think this is possible. The entries in the Annals nearly always describe men in terms of their fathers and grandfathers. If the entry says they were grandsons of the Lector O'Domhnaill, then it probably means in the direct male line.
These are the only two men in the Annals with the surname Mac Menman. None before and none after 1303.
It's difficult to draw any conclusions based on the other names in the entries, which describe a battle between Torlogh O'Donnell and his brother, Aedh, for the chieftainship of Tirconnell.
Donn O'Cahan was of course a Cenel Eoghain chieftain of county Derry; Mortagh Maglaghlen was a Donegal MacLochlainn from near Derry or the Inishowen Peninsula; Neal O'Boyle was a branch of the Cenel Conaill from Donegal; and O'Heossye was a chieftain in Fermanagh. We might note here that all these names (with the possible exception of O'Hussey) were important chieftains of the Cenel Conaill and the Cenel Eoghainn. For the Mac Menmans to have been thought worthy of being mentioned in this company, their descent must have been equally royal. Therefore it's quite likely they were a branch of the Cenel Conaill in descent from an O'Domhnall.
(Again my thanks to John D McLaughlin for this information)
Mary McMenamin Hirsch has a paper "The McMenamin Surname" researched and written by Joseph P McMenamin. This paper used to be accessible from her website, but the website seems to have moved or disappeared.If anyone has information on where this can be accessed I would be most grateful.
Kevin McManaman has also included a history of the family name in his website, interwoven with a history of Ireland.
Complete Milesian Genealogy of Meanmach, founder of Clan Mac Meanmain
Legend has it that the most of the Irish are descendants of Milesius. After the arrival of the monasteries in Ireland, the monks attempted to record all of the pedigrees and legends that had previously been passed down by word of mouth.
St Patrick was one of the people appointed to review these records and remove any errors from all the chronicles, genealogies, and records of the Kingdom. The numbers on the list below are supposed to be the generations of descendants from the first man, Adam. This list begins with Milesius, but monks are thought to have extended this back to Adam. It is generally accepted that Irish pedigrees are fairly accurate back to the 6th or possibly the 5th century.
Researched and provided by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
Surnames: Mac Meanmain, Mac Meanman, McMenomy, McMenomey, McMenamy, McMenamin.
Please realize the lineage from Nos.1 to 12 are based on the bible (Genesis), Nos. 13 to 85 are based on myth and legend. Genealogist do not accept any names prior to No. 86- Niall "of the Nine Hostages" circa 400AD. This lineage is based on information recorded by the "Four Masters" in the "Annals of the History of Ireland" (typically referred to as The Annals of the Four Masters) compiled well into the 2nd millenium AD and so is considered by most to be unreliable. The final portion is based on Irish Pedigrees, among other varied sources, and family records as recorded in Burke's Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Peerage, Baronetage and Knightage (104th Ed.). There have been some reported discrepancies in published genealogies by Burke's (and others), but they are as reported by families and accepted by the Chief Herald of Ireland.
(The following is as per Genesis - assuming no gaps in the list of Genesis 5 and 11)
Adam & Eve created by God on the 6th day of the creation of the world. Born in the year of the world 0. Adam died at age 930.
Seth born in the 130th year of his father (year of the world 130) and died at 912 years of age (year of the world 1042)
Enos born in the 105th year of his father (year of the world 235) and died at 905 years of age (year of the world 1140)
Cainan born in the 90th year of his father (year of the world 325) and died at 910 years of age (year of the world 1235)
Mahalaleel born in the 70th year of his father (year of the world 395) and died at 895 years of age (year of the world 1290)
Jared born in the 65th year of his father (year of the world 460) and died at 962 years of age (year of the world 1422)
Enoch born in the 162nd year of his father (year of the world 662) and died at the age of 365 (year of the world 987)
Methuselah born in the 65th year of his father (year of the world 687) and died at the age of 969 (year of the world 1656)
Lamech born in the 187th year of his father (year of the world 874) and died at the age of 777 (year of the world 1651)
Noah "the Father of all Humanity" (of "the Great Flood" fame) born in the 182nd year of his father and died at the age of 950 (year of the world 2006). Noah was said to be a sailor (before the building and sailing of the Ark) and is credited with having invented "ale". He was 600 years old at the time of the "Great Flood" (which would have been in the year of the world 1656).
Japhet is said to have been 100 years of age at the time of the "Great Flood", or born in the 500th year of his father (year of the world 1556)
12. Magog
(The following is as per myth and legend)
Phenius Pharsa (also written as Phoenuisa Farsaidh) "the Antiquary", King of Sythia circa 1800BC. Married to Scota of Egypt, daughter of Cinqueris, Pharaoh of Egypt. It is believed by some that the Scots take their name from her.
Niul after whom some say the river Nile is named (but not very likely). It is said he led his people to Egypt where they were hired as mercenaries of the Pharaoh.
Gaodhal Glas (aka Gael) the namesake of the Gaels or Gaelic race. As a child he was said to have been cured of a deadly serpent bite by Moses (of biblical fame). The "Ilse of Destiny" was revealed to the family as seen in a vision by Moses. This would place this generation in Egypt at the time of the Exodus of the Jews/Israelites.
Asruth believed to have migrated to Crete.
Herber Scot (also written Eimhir Scot)
Beman (also written Beouman)
Lamhflonn which is a very interesting name if it has been transcribed properly, especially if taken in the context of the legend of the Red Hand of the O'Neills. Lamh = hand, and Flonn = blood red. Lamhflonnwould not have been in Ireland, but if the name is correct the story could have been about him. It is very likely the name was transcribed is more probable that the "l" in flonn should be an "i" which would make it Lamhfionn which means "fair handed". Note: according to "The Annals of the Four Master" the name should be Lamhfionn
Heger (or Eimhir) Gunflonn (possibly another transcription error ? ) Note: according to "The Annals of the Four Master" the name should beEimhir Gunfionn
Agnan Fion (or Fionn)
Febric Glas
Nenal (also written Nenuall)
Nuadhat (also written as Nuadhad)
Alladh (also written as Allodh)
Dea (or Deag) who led a colony from Scythia to Galacia in Spain
Breogan (Brian)
Gallamh (aka Mils or Milesius - latin influence) King of Spain (or regions of what was to be called Spain). His people were known as the Milesians. His wife was Scota Tephi, a daughter of Nectaebus, Pharoh of Eqypt and a sister of King Solomon's Queen. The similar name "Scota" (wife of No. 14) has created some confusion in which "Scota" the Scots take their name from. The Annals of the Four Masters suggest the time period to be circa 1700BC but historians date it at 350-450 BC. Other sources suggest the time period was 1200BC. Mils had 8 sons:
Donn who succeeded his father as King of Spain (or regions of what was to be known as Spain)
Amergin "White Knee" (the druid)
Herber Fionn who became King of Southern Ireland and whose 4 sons became the 6th,7th, 8th and 9th Kings of Ireland
Ir (after whom it is said Ireland is named: "land of Ir") who died while boat racing with his cousin when first arriving to Ireland
Erannan, and
Eermon (or Hermon), 1st (Milesian) King of Ireland (circa 1698BC per the "Four Masters")
Eermon (Hermon) "of the Horses" - He, his brothers and followers arrived in Inis Elga (Ireland) aboard 35 ships in the year of the world 3500 or 1699BC (per the "Four Masters"). Upon conquering Ireland from the Tuatha de Danann, Eermon was proclaimed King of Northern Ireland. After the ensuing battle with his brother (King of the south) over possession of the Hills of Tara, Eermon became the 1st (Milesian) King of Ireland...."the Land of Destiny" as foretold by Moses. Hermon had 4 sons:
Muimhne the 3rd King of Ireland
Luighine 4th King of Ireland
Laighean 5th King of Ireland, and
Irial Fiadh 10th King of Ireland
Irial Faidh (also written Irial Fiah) 10th King of Ireland after defeating his cousins.
Ethrial (also written Eithraial) 11th King of Ireland, killed by his cousin
Follac (or Foll-Aicch) Prince of Ireland
Tigernmas 13th King of Ireland
Eiobiothad (or Enbotha) Prince of Ireland
Smiorgall Prince of Ireland
Flacha Labhrain 18th King of Ireland
Aeneas Olmaead 20th King of Ireland
Maen (or Main) Prince of Ireland
Roitheaehtaigh (or Rothactach) 22nd King of Ireland
Deman (or Dian) Prince of Ireland
Sirna (or Siorna) Saoghaileach ("the Long Lived") 34th King of Ireland
Olioll Olchain Prince of Ireland
Gialchadh or Gillachaidh 37th King of Ireland
Nuahhas Fionnfail 39th King of Ireland
Aedham Glas Prince of Ireland
Simon Breach 44th King of Ireland ( 909-903 BC)
Murchad Bolgrach 46th King of Ireland
Duach Teamharch Prince of Ireland
Eochaidh Framhuine 51st King of Ireland
Conang Beag-Eaghach 53rd King of Ireland
Fiacha Tolgrach
Fiacha Tolgrach 55th King of Ireland
Duach Ladrach 59th King of Ireland
Eochy Buadach
Ugaine Mor (or Ugaine Magnus) "the Great" responsible for creating the 25 divisions of Ireland for his children of which only two were sons.
Laeghaire Lore 68th King of Ireland
Cobthach Caol Breagh
Cobthach Caol Breagh 69th King of Ireland (591-541 BC)
Melghe Molbthach 71st King of Ireland
Irereo (also written Iaran Gleofathach) 74th King of Ireland
Conly Caem 76th King of Ireland
Olioll Cas-Fiaclach ("of the Crooked Teeth") 79th King of Ireland
Aengus Tuirmeach-Teamhrach 81st King of Ireland (384-324BC)
Fiacha Firmara ancestor of the Kings of Dalriada and Argyle in Scotland
Enna Aighneach
Enna Aighneach ("the Hospitable") 84th King of Ireland (312-292 BC)
Lavra "the Fierce"
Esamon also written Assaman Eamhna ("of Emania")
Roignen Ruadh ("the Red")
Fionnlogh or Finn "of Emania"
Eochaid Aireamh 94th King of Ireland
Eochaidh Feidhlioch
Eochaidh Feidhlioch 93rd King of Ireland (142-130BC). Established the 5 provinces of Ireland in place of the 25 divisions
Bres Nar Lothar
Lughaid-Sriabh-nDearg (also known as Lewy "of the Red Circles") 98th King of Ireland (34 - 8 BC) Killed himself by falling on his sword.
Criffan Crimthann Niadh Nor 100th King of Ireland (7 - 9 AD) married Naira daughter of Loich the son of Dareletuis of Northern Picts
Feredac (or Fearadac Fionn-Fearchtach) 102nd King of Ireland (14 -36 AD)
Fiachc II (or Fiacha Fionn Ola) 104th King of Ireland (39 -56 AD)
Tuathal Teachtmar 106th King of Ireland (when he came of age). He was raised by his mother and grandfather in Alba (Scotland). He restored the true royal blood and heirs to their kingdoms and created the kingdom of Midhe (or Meath) = the middle kingdom.
Felim Rachtmar ("the Law Giver") 108th King of Ireland (110 - 119 AD)
Eochaidh Fionn Fohart
Caibre Niadh
Art Corb
St. Brigid of Kildare
Fiacha Suidhe
Conn Cead Cathach
Conn Cead Cathach ("of the Hundred Battles" or "the Hundred Fighter") 110th King of Ireland (123 - 157 AD)
Conla Ruadh ("the Red") killed by his uncles
Crionna killed by his uncles
Airt Eanfhear
Airt Eanfhear (Art "the Lonely" or "the Solitary") 112th King of Ireland (165 - 195 AD) so named because he mourned the death of his brothers. From Airt are descended the kings of Scotland from Fergus Mor MacEarcu (5th century) to the Stuarts.
Cormac MacAirt (also called Cormac MacNessa and Cormac Ulfada - "Longbeard" and "the Magnificent") 115th King of Ireland said to be the wisest and most learned of the descendants of Eermon. Cormac was considered a god king by some and recorded to be a christian by others. He died choking on a salmon bone.
Carby Lifeachain ("the Liffey") 117th King of Ireland (267 - 284 AD) named "the Liffey" because he was nursed on the banks of the river Liffey (which was named after Eermon's horse). He was killed in the battle of Gabhra.
Eochaidh Dubhlinn ("the Dublin") named "the Dublin" because he was nursed in Dublin. Married Aechia the daughter of Updar, King of Alba and had three sons called "the Three Collas"
Colla Da Chriod (also called Muireadach)
Colla Uasal ("the Nobel" also called Carioll) 121st King of Ireland (322 - 326 AD) and was forced into exile to Alba. Some say he took the name Scot to Alba and hence it became known as Scotland
Colla Meadhan ("the Famous")
Deach Dorn
Labhradh ancestor of the Laury Clan
Brian ancestor of the O'Briens of Arcaill
Fiach (also called Feig)
Fiacha Scrubhtaine King of Connaught
Fiacha Scrubhtaine or Fiacha III 120th King of Ireland
Muireadeach Tireach or Muredach II 122nd King of Ireland. Defeated King Colla and banished him from Ireland.
Eochu Mugmemdon or Muigh Meadhoin ("Slaves Lord") King of Tara living 360AD, earned his nickname by slave raids on Roman Britain. In one raid he carried off and married (2nd wife) the Princess Cartha Cais Dubh or Carinna (mother of No. 86), who was despised by his 1st wife, Mong Fionn, who bore him his first three and last (5th) sons.
Brian ancestor of the O'Connors of Connaught
Daithi 127th King of Ireland (405 - 426 AD)
Oilioll Molt 129th King of Ireland (459 - 479 AD)
Niall Noigiallach
Niall Noigiallach ("of the Nine Hostages") aka Niall Mor ("the Great") 127th King of Ireland 380-405AD, in whose time the Royal House of Tara asserted a nominal suzerainty over the whole island. Niall succeeded his father over his 3 older brothers (of his 1st wife). Niall was killed by Eocha, Prince of Leinster while in Gaul (France) in a ford of the river Leon (now called Lianne) that spot is now called the Ford of Niall near Boulogue-sur-mer. Niall was the first to refer to Alba (Scotland) as "Scotia Minor" and Inis Ealga (Ireland) as "Scotia Major". It is said Niall is responsible for having captured the young boy, later to be St. Patrick, along with his 2 sisters during a raid along the coast of Britain. Niall had no children with his first wife and 12 sons with his second.
Leogaire or Leaghaire (Lewy) 128th King of Ireland 428-458AD in whose time St.Patrick was Chief Apostle of Ireland. Leogaire remained a pagan because of a promise to his father. He was buried (as was the custom) standing, with his weapons, at the rampart of Tara facing towards his enemies in Leinster. His descendants are the family O'Coindealbhain, now Kindellan or Quinlan who held the territory in Meath until 1690AD.
Conall Cremhtoinn King of Meath, died 480AD ancestor of the Kings of Brega and the Kings of Uinech (Ulster) who formed the principal branch of the southern Ui Niall (children of Niall) that alternated with the northern Ui Niall as Kings of Ireland. From him descended 17 Kings of Ireland including King Maelsechlainn Mor (died 1022AD) whose line were Kings of Meath until 1173AD. They were known as the Clann Colmain and their chieftains took the name O'Maelsechlainn, anglicised to O'Melaghlin and later McLoughlin
Maine died 440AD ancestor of the O'Catharnaigh (of Meath). A descendant, Tadg (died 1084AD) was nicknamed Sionnach ("the Fox") which the family adopted as the surname (Fox). The present chieftain, styled "The Fox", resides in Australia.
EoganKing of Ailech, from whom the O'Neills descended
Conall Gulban King of Tir Conaill ("Land of Conall" or Tryconnell in Donegall) which was his share of the families conquests in north-west Ulster after 425AD. His descendants were known as the Cenel Conaill, formed one of the the principal branches of the northern Ui Niall, members of this branch were Abbotts of Iona, Abbotts of Dunkeld, and Kings of Scots from Duncan I (slain by MacBeth 1040AD) to Alexander III (died of a fall from his horse 1285/86AD). Conall Gulban was slain by the Fibolgs before 465AD
Doi, ancestor of the Cenel Duach
Baetan, King of Ireland 572-569AD
Fergus Cennfada ("Long-Head") married Eirc, dau. of Loarn Mor King of the Scots who settled in Argyll
Ainmire, King of Ireland 566-569AD
Aedh, King of Ireland 592-598AD who avenged his father's death by Fergus MacNelline and also invaded Leinster to avenge his amorous son's death but, even though protected by a wall of shields, was unhorsed and beheaded by Bran Dubh ("the Black") King of Leinster. Aedh was ancestor to 7 other Kings of Ireland up to 734AD and ancestor of the families O'Gallachubair (O'Gallagher), O'Canannan and O'Maeldoraidh (O'Muldory of Loch Erne)
Colum, ancestor of St.Adaman, Abbot of Iona 679-704AD
Lugaid, ancestor of the families O'Domhnaill (O'Donnell) Kings of Tir Conaill until the 17th century ("Flight of the Earls")
Feidhlimidh married Eithne, dau. of a cadet of the Royal House of Leinster
St. Columba His real name was Crimthann ("Fox"), his monastinic nickname was Colmcille ("Dove of the Church") and was later latinized to Columba. Born 7th December 521AD, died 9th June 597AD. Apostle of the northern Picts (Picti = painted people). Caused a war with his kinsmen and defeated Diarmaid, King of Ireland (southern Ui Niall) in 561 (over the right to copy a psalm book). Went into voluntary exile and founded the abbey of Iona where he continued to copy religious books in peace. Converted Bruide, King of the Picts and inaugurated his own cousin Aidan (female line ancestor to Queen Victoria) as King of the Scots of Dalraida in 574AD
Eogan, ancestor to the family of O'Firghill or O'Freel
St. Barrfhionn, Bishop of Drumcallen
Fegus founder of the Cineal Fergusa (Kindred of Fergus) and ancestor of the O'Hagans, O'Quinns and O'Mallans among others
Eanna or Enda
Fergus alt-Leathan
Eogan (Eoghan or Owen) King of Ailech, founder of the Cennal Eogan (kindred of Eogan) was personnally baptised by St. Patrick and nicknamed "the Lion" Eogan MacNiall by St. Patrick (circa 442AD). His mother was Ine, dau. of Dubtach, son of Moindach, King of Ulster. Established his own kingdom in the peninsula still called after him, Innishowen ("Eogan's Isle"). Died in 465AD, buried at Eskaheen. His descendants known as the Cenel Eoghain became the principal branch of the northern Ui Niall. Married a foreign princess, Indorb Finn ("the White").
Eochaid Binnigh ("the Tuneful") ancestor of St.Maelrubha 642-722AD, founder of Applecross Abbey in Pictland, 673AD
Fiachra, Bishop of Cenel Eoghain circa 500AD
Muiredach, King of Ailech died circa 480. Eloped with Earca or Eirc, wife of a British King called Saran and dau. of Loarn "the Great" a King of the Scots in Argyll ("Scotia Minor")
Muircheartach Mor MacEarca
Moen, ancestor of Cenel Moen including Domnall O'Gairmleadhaigh, King of Cenel Eoghain 1143-1145AD
Feradach, ancestor of Cenel Fearadhaigh Sibhe Menn "the Little", King of Ireland 615-628AD, "the valourous sage". Slew his kinsman Maelcobha, King of Ireland 615AD (head of the Cenel Conaill) and took his place on the throne whereafter the Cenel Eoghain and Cenel Conaill were rivals for Kingship of Ireland. Eraine, King of Ailech (630 - 636 AD) Eogan Ronan Feradach St. Mura (Muran), Abbot of Fahan, Derry (west of Innishowen) Born in Donegal, died circa 645AD. Patron saint of the O'Neills. His pastoral staff and bell still exist today. A handful of sand from near his tomb is believed to protect the holder from drowning. St. Mura's Feast Day is celebrated on March 12th.
Crean Oge
Meanmach Pronounced “Menamax.” This name is the adjective form of the noun “Meanma,” which conjugates to “Mac Meanmain,” anglicized to McMenomy, McMenamin, and other variations. All members of the clan Mac Meanmain are descended from this Meanmach.
The introduction and entries #1-89 are copied directly from their page:
Entries #90-105 were taken directly from “Irish Pedigrees” by John O’Hart, and are listed under the Michel and Crean pedigrees (generation numbers are 1 off, however, as I followed the O’Neill page numbering). I am currently working on matching these people with their respective years, places, titles, and stories. All help is encouraged and greatly appreciated.
Ted McMenomy
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