Generation 1
..... 1 James McMenemy b: Abt. 1801 ; Approximate date based on the death record in 1831 saying he was aged 30., d: 14 Dec 1831 in Glasgow, Lanarkshire
..... +Helen Gallowglay b: Abt. 1800, d: Bef. 1866, m: Bef. 1824
James McMenemy and Helen Gallowglay
The earliest generation that we have found is that of James McMenemy and his wife Helen. We pick them up in the early 1800s in central Glasgow. I cannot determine much of the history of James and Helen. So far I have been unable to locate any record of their births, nor where they came from. The archivist at the Archdiocese of Glasgow has suggested they may have come to Glasgow from Ireland at the turn of the century after the failure of the United Ireland rebellion. (This was a period of great influx into Glasgow from Ireland).
James was a tailor by trade. Helen’s maiden name was Gallowglay. This is another Gaelic name. Gallowglas denotes a mercenary soldier and in Irish history it especially referred to mercenaries brought over from Scotland. In Gaelic it is Galløglach (slash indicates accent on the "o"). Gall = foreign Øglach = volunteer. The Gallogly surname is from the same root and I think it is fairly rare. I know it occurs in counties Donegal and Leitrim in clusters. There are approx. twenty entries for this surname in the phone book. Interestingly, Gallowglay is a branch of the MacDonald clan.
Generation 2
..... 1 James McMenemy b: Abt. 1801 ; Approximate date based on the death record in 1831 saying he was aged 30., d: 14 Dec 1831 in Glasgow, Lanarkshire
..... +Helen Gallowglay b: Abt. 1800, d: Bef. 1866, m: Bef. 1824
........... 2 Thomas McMenemy b: Aug 1827 in Gorbals, Renfrew, d: 07 Sep 1898 in 135 Parson's Street, Glasgow; Age reported: 71
........... +Bridget Reilly b: Abt. 1843 in Ireland, d: 23 Sep 1898 in 135 Parson's Street, Glasgow, m: 08 Sep 1866 in St Andrew's Chapel, Gt Clyde St, Glasgow
Thomas McMenemy (1824-1896) and Bridget Reilly (1843-1896)
In 1824 George IV was on the throne, gas lights were first installed in the streets, the first penal colony was opened in Australia, and Beethoven’s ninth symphony was first performed. The first passenger trains were still a year away, Stephenson’s "Rocket" was five years away. It was against this backdrop that Thomas McMenemy was born in the Parish of Barony, Glasgow in August 1824, the son of James and Helen McMenemy. Little is known of his early years, what sort of education he received, or whether he had any brothers or sisters.
When he completed any formal schooling he became a tailor, like his father before him.
(Thomas McMenemy 1824-1896)
On the 27th August 1844, at the age of 20, Thomas went across to Edinburgh and enlisted as a soldier in the East India Company. His period of service was recorded as "unlimited". At the time he was described as 5 feet 6 inches tall, of fresh complexion, with hazel eyes and dark brown hair.
After his attestation, Thomas was assigned to an infantry battalion in the Presidency of Bombay. On 12th October he boarded the "Duchess of Northumberland" and set sail for India. It was a long voyage in those days and it was 15th March before the ship arrived in Bombay.
By 1857, the time of the Indian Mutiny, Thomas was a Corporal in 5 Company, the 2nd Bombay European Regiment based at Camp Kurrachee.
After the Indian Mutiny, the East India Company declined in its influence and by the late 1860s had ceased to exist. Members of its militia either retired or transferred to the regular British Army. October 14th, 1861 Thomas transferred to the Royal Artillery as a gunner.
He remained in the Royal Artillery until applying for his discharge at Sheerness on March 13th 1865. His discharge papers record his character "conduct has been exemplary and he is in possession of Four Good Conduct Badges". During his 22½ years of service he wasn’t a goody-goody, however. His discharge papers record that he was entered in the Regimental Defaulters Book five times over the years.
On his discharge Thomas returned to Glasgow. The City Improvement Trust had set about the systematic destruction of slum properties. A reservoir was built for water from Loch Katrine, reducing the death toll from cholera during the recent epidemic from thousands to just fifty-three. The City had acquired powers to prevent overcrowding in working class homes and appointed a Medical Health Officer to tackle insanitary conditions. Glasgow had become "the second city of the Empire".
Thomas took a job as a tailor’s cutter, and lived at 132 Trongate, in the centre of Glasgow. He met Bridget Reilly, an Irish girl. She was living nearby at 142 Trongate and working as a dressmaker.
On 6th September 1866 they married at St Andrew’s Chapel in Great Clyde Street.
By 1870, Thomas had changed job and was working as a Publisher’s Timekeeper. Bridget continued to work as a dressmaker.
By 1890, Thomas and Bridget were living at 135 Parson’s Street. On 7th September 1898, one month before his first grandchild was born, Thomas died. He had been suffering from acute gastric catarrh for a month, and jaundice for three weeks, he finally died of exhaustion. This was obviously too much for Bridget who died two weeks later from uraemia and convulsions. Their daughter Flora was the witness for both deaths. Thomas and Bridget are buried in St Kentigern’s Cemetery, Lambshill.
Generation 3
........... 2 Thomas McMenemy b: Aug 1827 in Gorbals, Renfrew, d: 07 Sep 1898 in 135 Parson's Street, Glasgow; Age reported: 71
........... +Bridget Reilly b: Abt. 1843 in Ireland, d: 23 Sep 1898 in 135 Parson's Street, Glasgow, m: 08 Sep 1866 in St Andrew's Chapel, Gt Clyde St, Glasgow
................. 3 Thomas McMenemy b: 28 Jul 1868 in 168 Gallowgate, Calton, Glasgow; GRO (Scotland) 644/4 1031, d: 17 Jan 1917 in 8 General Hospital, Rouen
................. +Sophia Bridget Kane b: 06 Feb 1869 in Dunleer, Louth, Ire; (1911 Census clarifies birthplace to Willistown, Louth), d: 23 Nov 1948 in 8 Woodridings Close, Harrow, m: 26 Dec 1896 in St Mungo's Chapel, Glasgow
................. 3 Flora McMenemy b: 15 Aug 1870 in Central District, Glasgow, d: 16 Sep 1924 in St Agnes Presbytery, Balmore Rd, Lambhill
................. 3 James McMenemy b: 16 May 1873 in 109 Parson's Street, Glasgow, d: 28 Nov 1875 in 109 Parson's Street, Glasgow
................. 3 John McMenemy b: 06 Jun 1875 in 109 Parson's Street, Glasgow, d: 13 Dec 1936 in Lambhill, Lanarkshire
................. 3 Jessie Agatha McMenemy b: 06 Jun 1877 in 109 Parson's Street, Glasgow, d: 19 Nov 1888 in 36 McAslin Street, Glasgow
Thomas and Bridget set up home at 168 Gallowgate in the Calton District of Glasgow. It was here that on 28th July 1868, their first son Thomas was born.
In the next couple of years they moved to 109 Parson’s Street. On 15th August 1870 Flora was born.
James was born three years later on 16th May 1873.
On 6th June 1875, another son, John was born. Despite the birth of John, 1875 was marred by the tragic death from pulmonary tuberculosis of the 2 year old James.
In 1877, Jessie Agatha was born on 6th June. She was the last of Thomas and Bridget’s children.
In 1888, tragedy struck the family once more. Eleven year old Jessie was struck down with acute peritonitis and died at 36 McAslin Street, Glasgow.
Thomas McMenemy (1868-1917)
By 1881, a twelve year old Thomas was at work as a clerk bookmaker. In the 1890s (probably 1896), Thomas moved to London. It was this same year, at the age of 28, that Thomas married an Irish girl, Sophia Bridget Kane, at St Mungo’s Chapel Glasgow on 26th December 1896. Thomas had been living at 15 Burton Crescent, London WC and working as a cashier. Sophia, who was 25, was working as a Dressmaker and living at 135 Parson Street, Glasgow.
(Thomas McMenemy 1868-1917)
Sophia was one of five daughters of Thomas Kane and Mary Ann Temple. Thomas had been born in Ireland in 1838, and was a school teacher. I have few details of Thomas or Mary Ann. Their other daughters were Margaret, Charlotte, Mary-Ann and Rose. Charlotte married a Jack Hubbard. Mary-Ann married a man named Guiness. Margaret went to live at Westcliffe-on-Sea and worked for John Lewis. Rose married Harry Wood and had a daughter Nora.
Thomas and Sophia set up home in London and started a family. At some point, Sophia's father probably came to live with them. He died in December 1909.
At the breakout of the First World War, Thomas and Sophia were living at 8 Salisbury House, Highbury Corner. Thomas was working as an Accountant.
He joined the Army Services Corps in 1915, starting off in Aldershot. As a Private (54/145494) he was posted to the 1st Base, Motor Transport Depot in Rouen as part of the British Expeditionary Force. During his time in the service he wrote several letters to his children. It was obvious that as 1916 drew to a close many of his colleagues were travelling home on leave and he was eager for his turn to come. The last surviving letter from Thomas shows that he spent some time at home with the family in the late Autumn of 1916, but was soon back on duty at the MT Depot.
Thomas was taken ill in January 1917 and admitted to 8 General Hospital, Rouen. This was obviously a worrying time for the family and several letters were written to Sophia by his officer to keep her informed. A week later, 17th January 1917, Thomas was dead. He had died of a cerebral haemorrhage. He was 48. His funeral was held on Friday January 19th. One of his colleagues, Corporal J.J. Smith, wrote:
"The funeral which took place yesterday shall live with me as long as memory lasts. No handsome hearse, no silk hats, no frock coats were to be seen, but a large number of men in khaki, together with two ladies representing the YMCA along with the minister there, & a party of French people with hearts of loving sympathy paid their last respects to your dear husband & their dear comrade. The priest from Rouen Cathedral with two boys headed the procession, then came the firing party, and alongside the hearse walked the underbearers, all being office colleagues of the same religion as himself. The coffin was covered by the Union Jack. Behind the hearse came the mourners, Lieut Burbidge & Capt Clayton (the Regimental Chaplain) in front. As we walked over the snow covered ground from the hospital to the churchyard, a distance of about ¾ of a mile there was not a murmur, all was silent, everyone was too full to speak, for it was the funeral of a loved & greatly admired gentleman. Three volleys were fired over his grave & the "Last Post" sounded. The service was conducted by the priest of Rouen Cathedral in three languages - French, Latin, & English. At the conclusion of the service at the graveside the priest spoke for nearly ten minutes on the life of the hero who had just passed away. He said that Mr McMenemy had done what he came into this world to do - his duty. There was a great need for duty in this world & Mr McMenemy had used all the powers he possessed to meet that need. He died as he lived - a Christian."
Thomas was buried in Plot 2, Row C, Grave 9 in the cemetery at the Boisguillaume Communal Cemetery, Seine-Maritime.
Sophia lived on until November 1948, finally dying at 8, Woodridings Close, Harrow, aged 79. Cause of death was registered as Acute Cardiac Failure and Senility.
Flora McMenemy (1870-1924)
Flora stayed in Glasgow. She was a small woman with a slight hump to her back. She became housekeeper to her brother John. She died on September 16th, 1924 at St Agnes’ Presbytery, Lambshill.
John McMenemy (1875-1936)
John grew up in Glasgow. He received his early education at St Mungo’s Academy, he started his ecclesiastical training at Blairs College. From there he went to Petit Seminaire de Notre Dame des Champs, Paris, in 1892 and then on to The Scots College in Valladolid in Spain where he was ordained in 1899 by the auxiliary Bishop.
He returned to Scotland as curate at St Patrick’s, Anderston, where he remained for eight years. This enormous parish gave scope to his abounding zeal. For the following seven years he was pastor at St Mary’s Star of the Sea at Largs. Whilst there he opened the chapel at Wemyss Bay. He was then placed in charge at St John’s, Stevenston. After 15 months he was promoted to Parish Priest of the important city parish of St Agnes, Lambshill where he stayed for eleven years. Finally he was transferred to the Holy Family Church at Mossend. Whilst there he carried through several important schemes for the improvement of the church, including the erection of new altars. The marked improvement in the church property and effectiveness of the various Societies remained a monument to his worth.
Though his brother Thomas had died, John remained in close contact with his family. His nephews and nieces visited him in Scotland and he exchanged letters with Sophia, his sister-in-law. One such letter survives and a transcript available by following this link.
During his final years at Mossend he suffered from "Angina Pectoris", which he kept as a secret, using it as a spur to greater usefulness and sanctity. He died suddenly on 13th December 1936. His funeral saw "a great gathering of clergy. The Requiem was sung by his nephew Fr. Edward McMenemy and the funeral took place at St Kentigern’s" where he was buried alongside his mother and father.
Generation 4
................. 3 Thomas McMenemy b: 28 Jul 1868 in 168 Gallowgate, Calton, Glasgow; GRO (Scotland) 644/4 1031, d: 17 Jan 1917 in 8 General Hospital, Rouen
................. +Sophia Bridget Kane b: 06 Feb 1869 in Dunleer, Louth, Ire; (1911 Census clarifies birthplace to Willistown, Louth), d: 23 Nov 1948 in 8 Woodridings Close, Harrow, m: 26 Dec 1896 in St Mungo's Chapel, Glasgow
....................... 4 Thomas John Temple McMenemy b: 31 Oct 1898 in 29 Cathcart Hill, Upper Holloway, London; GRO Reference: 1898 D Quarter in ISLINGTON Volume 01B Page 204 (Mother's Name: Kane), d: 28 Mar 1979 in Enfield, Greater London, England
....................... +Florence Victoria McDonald b: 22 Jun 1897 in 2 Canonbury Avenue, Islington SE, London; GRO Reference: 1897 S Quarter in ISLINGTON Volume 01B Page 361 (Mother's Name: Kilkenny), d: 11 Jan 1985 in Barnet General Hospital, Wood St, Barnet, m: 06 Jun 1925 in Church of the Sacred Heart, Islington, London
....................... 4 Sophia Mary McMenemy b: 30 May 1900 in Upper Holloway; GRO Reference: 1900 J Quarter in ISLINGTON Volume 01B Page 224 (Mother's Name: Kane), d: 11 Jun 1900 ; GRO Reference: 1900 J Quarter in ISLINGTON Volume 01B Page 171 (Age: 0)
....................... 4 Aileen Cecilia McMenemy b: 22 Nov 1901 in Islington, London; GRO Reference: 1901 D Quarter in ISLINGTON Volume 01B Page 214 (Mother's Name: Kane), d: 25 Jun 1994 in East Preston
....................... +Ernest William Gilland b: 15 Nov 1899 in Poplar, London; GRO Reference: 1899 D Quarter in POPLAR Volume 01C Page 609 (Mothers name: Couch), d: 21 Apr 1979 in Angmering West Sx, m: Jun 1926 in Islington, Middlesex
....................... 4 John Vincent McMenemy b: Bef. 20 Jan 1903 ; GRO Reference: 1903 M Quarter in ISLINGTON Volume 01B Page 196 GRO Reference: 1903 M Quarter in ISLINGTON Volume 01B Page 196 GRO Reference: 1903 M Quarter in ISLINGTON Volume 01B Page 196 GRO Reference: 1903 M Quarter in ISLINGTON Volume, d: Bef. 20 Jan 1903 ; GRO Reference: 1903 M Quarter in ISLINGTON Volume 01B Page 148 (Age: 0)
....................... 4 Charles Edward McMenemy b: 17 Aug 1904 in Islington, London; GRO Reference: 1904 S Quarter in ISLINGTON Volume 01B Page 199 (Mother's Name: Kane), d: 21 Jan 1976 in Kingsbury
....................... 4 Mary Eugenia McMenemy b: 31 Dec 1906 in 6 Harberton Road, Islington; GRO Reference: 1907 M Quarter in ISLINGTON Volume 01B Page 172 (Mother's Name: Kane), d: 05 Apr 1941 in 8 Woodridings Close, Hatch End, Harrow, Middx
Thomas and Sarah’s first child, Thomas John Temple was born in October 1898. Thomas was working as a Hardware Merchants Cashier at the time, and the family home was 29, Cathcart Hill, Islington.
At the end of May 1900, baby Sophia Mary was born, but tragically, only lived for 12 days.
A daughter, Aileen, was born in 1901.
In 1903 a further child was born. Unfortunately, John Vincent only survived 1 day.
Charles Edward was born in 1904. At the age of eight, he went away to St Edmund’s Seminary at Ware, eventually being ordained and spending his life as a priest.
Mary Eugenie was born in December 1906. Thomas was working as a Commercial Clerk. The family was living at 6, Harberton Road, Islington.
Thomas John Temple McMenemy (1898-1979) & Florence Victoria McDonald (1897-1985)
During the Great War, it is believed that Thomas served in the Royal Army Air Corps. This is an area that I am still researching, and hope to fill in more details at a later date. During the Second World War, Tom was not eligible for service.
(Thomas John Temple McMenemy 1898-1979)
Tom was living at 8 Salisbury House, Highbury Corner, Islington and working as a shipping clerk when he married Florence Victoria McDonald. They married on 6th June 1925 at the Church of the Sacred Heart, Islington. The ceremony was conducted by Fr. John McMenemy, Tom’s uncle.
By 1937 Tom was working for Connolly Bros. as an Export Clerk and the family were living at 40 Melbourne Avenue, Palmers Green.
Tom was long associated with the Knights of St Columba. During this time he was selected to the office of Supreme Knight. "His dignity, charm and complete earnestness of endeavour have won him the affection and respect of all members of the K.S.C"
Tom was one of the few people honoured with papal recognition. Pope Pious XII conferred the honour "Knight of St Gregory".
In 1959 when son John’s wife Eileen died suddenly, Tom and Flo did not hesitate to move from their home in Oakwood to Harpenden where John lived. They moved in and helped with the children, Andrew (7) and Jane (4). Obviously, their roots were in North London so in 1961 they sold their house in Oakwood, and John sold his house in Harpenden and they jointly bought 20 Freston Gardens in Cockfosters.
Living in Cockfosters made life easier. The family and friends were nearby, and the local Underground Station made commuting to Connolly’s a simple matter.
John’s health deteriorated and the task of raising Jane and Andrew fell more squarely on Tom and Flo. In January 1965, John passed away.
In September 1965 Andrew moved away and joined the Brothers of the Sacred Heart, but Tom and Flo continued to raise Jane. Andrew returned in 1969, having decided that he did not have a religious vocation.
Tom and Flo were active members of the local parish, Vita et Pax. As years went by, a Parish Council was formed, and it goes without saying that Tom was closely involved and served a term as Chairman.
Tom died on March 28th, 1979.
Aileen Cecilia McMenemy (1901-1994) & Ernest Gilland (1900-?)
Aileen worked as a secretary and was a diligent daughter. While her father was serving in France she wrote frequently, keeping him abreast of the family news. He replied regularly, and several of these letters have survived. It was evident from these letters that Aileen and her sister Mary would visit Scotland in the summer, staying with their uncle Father John, and aunt Flora. It was also evident from the letters that by 1916, she was already out at work, and highly regarded by her employer.
Aileen met Ernest Gilland, who had started as an office boy at a London firm of flag makers and ships’ chandlers. He was a hard worker and progressed well. During the First World War he served in the Royal Flying Corps.
From there he went to an insurance company where he would work for them during the day and do correspondence work at night. At weekends he would work at a bank. In 1923 Ernest entered the piano business with Aeolian Co, and in three years rose to assistant sales manager.
It was at about this time that Ernest and Aileen got married. They went to Liverpool where Ernest took a post as sales manager for James Smith & Son (a large music firm). They stayed in Liverpool for six years.
In 1936 Ernest joined Selfridges as a buyer and in 1939 he was named Sales Manager and Controller of Advertising and Publicity.
When Selfridges and Lewis’s merged in 1951, he was made General Manager and Merchandise Director. In 1952, Ernest also became a Director of the Board at Lewis’s, retaining his seat on the board at Selfridges, but relinquishing the active management of the store.
Aileen and Ernest had a dog called Mungo and lived at Park View, Hatch End. They moved to George Street Woburn during the early days of the Second World War, and after the war moved to 6 Courtney House, Mulberry Close, Hendon. Though Ernest played a little golf, their chief hobby was playing cards.
After Ernest died, Aileen moved to the south coast. She lived in East Preston (I believe it was a house called The White House, in Golden Acre), very close to the beach, though in her later years she lost her sight and eventually moved into more sheltered accommodation. The story is told that Aileen went to the opticians and after the examination she was asked how she had travelled there. "I drove, in my Jaguar" she replied. The optician said that may be so, but she wasn't driving back as she was now registered as blind. Aileen died in 1994.
Charles Edward McMenemy (1904-1976)
Charles Edward was always know in the family as Teddie. He was quite young when he left the family home to study at St Edmund’s.
He was ordained at St Edmund’s College, Ware on June 29th, 1929.
Father Teddie served as an army chaplain during the Second World War. Soon after the outbreak of hostilities he was serving in the thick mud of France, thankful for his recent purchase of gumboots. He was not the prolific writer that his father was, but one letter survives from his time in France. His "parish" was spread along a front of about one hundred miles, and was eighty miles deep. Visiting his flock forced him to learn how to drive.
He was billeted in a large private house with central heating and hot and cold running water which he obviously appreciated against the backdrop of cold, wet mud
In 1940 the troop ship Lancastria was bombed and sunk. The newspapers of the time picked up the story.
Extract from William Hickey column in the "Daily Express" (Thursday, August 15th 1940):
Hero in Orders
"Lists of those missing from the Lancastria have not yet been issued- 2 months after the sinking; I am sorry that I cannot check, from the War Office or the Red Cross, the name of the hero of the following episode, or if he survived.
Miss J Harding of Bromley, Kent, tells me the story thus:-
"... My brother, an RAF sergeant, was one of the airmen at the bottom of the ship when she was hit. The companionways were crammed with troops, and it seemed as though the men down below were doomed.
A sergeant-major, my brother and several others standing together were approached by an Army chaplain, who quietly told them to put their faith in God and follow him. He led them through the bottom of the ship to some kind of exit in the side, about 6 ft. above the water. Then he made them remove their heavy clothing before they jumped."
The sergeant-major could not swim, so the chaplain took off his own lifebelt and handed it to him with the words that he would not need it, for if God willed he could come through alive.
They jumped, and that was the last my brother saw of the chaplain. The sergeant-major was rescued with my brother... My brother joins with me in the heartfelt prayer that the chaplain was among the rescued."
Extract from William Hickey column in the "Daily Express" (Monday, August 19th 1940):
Hero Named
The chaplain whose heroism aboard the sinking Lancastria I described the other day has been Identified.
He is Fr. Charles McMenemy formerly Roman Catholic chaplain at Wormwood Scrubs prison.
He is a fine athlete, a rugger-player and swimmer. The man he gave his lifebelt to was a non-swimmer. "I knew I should be good for an hour in the water," he says. A boat picked him up when he had been swimming for about three-quarters of an hour.
He is now with an AA regiment in the North of England.
A further description of the story of the Lancastria is recorded by the Royal Pioneer Corps on their website. Near the bottom of the article is a collection of photos. The last photo of the survivors shows a clutch of men covered in oil; in the centre is a bare-chested man with a towel around his neck, to his left (the right of the photo) is chap with a cigarette, and immediately behind him is a chap who we believe to be Charles.
There is also a good collection of information (some of which we provided) on Fr Charles on the Lancastria Association Scotland website.
After the war he continued his pastoral work. In 1946 he became parish priest at the Church of the English Martyrs at Wembley Park. It was a small parish and he built it up to the point that the old wooden church was no longer adequate for the needs of the rapidly growing community. In 1963 it was decided that a new church should be built, however it was 1969 before the construction started. On July 8th, 1970 the first Mass was concelebrated in the new Church by Father Teddie and all the priests who had been ordained with him at St Edmund’s College back in 1929. In May the following year Cardinal Heenan formerly opened and blessed the church.
The years of hard work and worries of running a parish took their toll. Father Teddie was unwell. On January 21st 1976, he collapsed and died while going on holiday to Edinburgh. When the news reached London, the parish was stunned. His funeral was held at his parish, concelebrated by more than a dozen priests and with the church full to overflowing.
Mary Eugenia McMenemy (1906-1941)
Mary was the youngest of the children. She was very attractive girl, but I know little about her. What is evident is that she was of a delicate disposition. Several of her father’s letter inquire after her health, and ask what the doctor had said. A letter in 1936 from Father John, her uncle, inquired whether her pilgimage to Lourdes had helped.
On April 5th, 1941 at the age of 34 she was dead. Mary Eugenia was recorded as a spinster of no occupation and her cause of death was entered as tuberculosis.
Generation 5
....................... 4 Thomas John Temple McMenemy b: 31 Oct 1898 in 29 Cathcart Hill, Upper Holloway, London; GRO Reference: 1898 D Quarter in ISLINGTON Volume 01B Page 204 (Mother's Name: Kane), d: 28 Mar 1979 in Enfield, Greater London, England
....................... +Florence Victoria McDonald b: 22 Jun 1897 in 2 Canonbury Avenue, Islington SE, London; GRO Reference: 1897 S Quarter in ISLINGTON Volume 01B Page 361 (Mother's Name: Kilkenny), d: 11 Jan 1985 in Barnet General Hospital, Wood St, Barnet, m: 06 Jun 1925 in Church of the Sacred Heart, Islington, London
............................. 5 John Thomas Temple McMenemy b: 09 Feb 1926 in 15 Ardilaun Road, Highbury (2 a.m.); 9th February 1926, 2 a.m., 15 Ardilaun Road; John Thomas, boy, to Thomas John Temple McMenemy and Florence Victoria McMenemy, formerly McDonald; Father’s occupation: Shipping Clerk., d: 05 Jan 1965 in St Bartholomews Hospital, London; 5th January 1965, St Bartholomews Hospital Smithfield. John Thomas McMenemy, Male, 38, of 20 Freston Gardens Cockfosters Herts. Plastics Merchant. 1a Cerebral Neoplasm 11 Bronhopneumonia
............................. +Eileen Mary Roe b: 17 Aug 1926 in 47 Leather Lane, Holborn, d: 09 Oct 1959 in St Bartholomew's Hospital, London; 9 October 1959, St Bartholomews Hospital, Eileen Mary McMenemy, female, 33, of 17 Mayfield Close Harpenden, wife of John Thomas McMenemy Company Director, Cause of Death: Cerebral Infarction due to Carotid Thrombosis., m: 14 May 1951 in Our Lady of Lourdes, New Southgate, London; John Thomas McMenemy; 25; Bachelor; Technical Assistant (Leather Manufacturer) of 40 Melbourne Avenue, Palmers Green; Father: Thomas John Temple McMenemy, Exporters Manager (Leather Manufacturers). Eileen Mary Roe; 24; Spinster; Stockbroker’s Secretary; o
............................. 5 Peter Edward McMenemy b: 09 Feb 1926 in 15 Ardilaun Road, Highbury, d: 12 Feb 2011 in Worthing Hospital, Worthing, West Sussex
............................. +Margaret Kyrle-Fletcher b: 20 Mar 1936 in Newport, Gwent, m: 15 Jun 1968 in Cadogan Street
............................. 5 Mary Angela McMenemy b: 02 Aug 1929 in Edmonton, Middlesex
............................. +Peter Joseph Guly b: 13 Apr 1925 in Croydon, Surrey, Kent, d: 10 Apr 1993 in Bushey Heath, Herts, m: 12 Apr 1958 in St Monica's Church, Green Lanes, Palmers Green, Middlesex, m: Abt. 1952
............................. 5 James Michael McMenemy b: 23 Sep 1937 in 73 Palmerston Crescent, Southgate, d: 19 Jun 1971 in Fulham, London
............................. +Gilia Leather b: 22 Jan 1941 in Henley, Oxfordshire, m: Sep 1964 in Abingdon, Berkshire, m: Sep 1974 in Islington, Middlesex, m: 1996 in Westminster, London
For the fifth and subsequent generations are still carving their names on eternity. So I shall just outline the family members. Any additional information or stories would be welcomed.
When Tom and Flo first married they lived at 15 Ardilaun Road, Islington and their family soon came along. John Thomas Temple and Peter Edward (twins) were born prematurely in February 1926.
Mary Angela was born at the family home in Melbourne Avenue, on August 2nd, 1929.
James Michael was born September 23rd, 1937.
John Thomas Temple McMenemy (1926-1965) & Eileen Roe (1926-1959)
John and Peter left their school and were evacuated to the country during World War II. He and Peter went to St Michael’s at Hitchin.
John and Peter joined the Royal Navy, and immediately released into the reserve to attend university for a year. When they rejoined they were assigned to the Royal Canadian Navy. John did a tour of duty in Singapore.
(John Thomas Temple McMenemy 1926-1965)
John met Eileen Roe at the Greenwood Gate tennis club and they married on 14th May, 1951. At the time he was working as a Technical Assistant to a Leather Manufacturer (Connolly Brothers). He had been living at home at 40 Melbourne Avenue, Palmers Green. Eileen had been living at 42 Morton Way, Southgate. John and Eileen went to Paris for their honeymoon. On returning to England they moved into Eileen’s parents’ home as they were away on a motoring holiday in Italy. They stayed there for several weeks until their apartment was ready for them. Eventually they moved into 5, Gower Mews Mansions, WC1.
In 1951 a son, Andrew was born; and three years later John Eileen had a daughter, Jane. The family moved out of London to 17 Mayfield Close, Harpenden, Herts. John took a job with Hubbards, a manufacturer of hat felt based in Luton, Beds. (Some 5 miles away).
John was diagnosed as having a tumour on the brain. After an operation and partial recovery John and Eileen went away to Nice in the South of France for recuperation. Subsequent to his operation, John still suffered from "turns" at random intervals. The continued throughout the rest of his life. The turns occurred without any warning, John would pause mid-sentence and collapse on his left side for several seconds. During this time he was in a trance-like state. However, the moment the seizure finished he would be able to pick up the sentence exactly where it was left.
In October 1959, Eileen collapsed in the kitchen of 17 Mayfield Close. She had been to the GP that morning for a check-up, as she was pregnant. All had seemed normal. An ambulance was called and she was taken to the local hospital. From there she was transferred to St Bartholomew’s Hospital where she died the following morning. John was obviously devastated.
In 1961, John sold the house in Harpenden, and jointly (with Tom and Florence) bought a house at 20 Freston Gardens, Cockfosters. The house was next door to his cousin Bernard Murphy and his family. It was also within walking distance of the church, and as John’s health prevented him from driving, placed him strategically on the London underground.
John’s seizures often resulted in injury. Andrew recalls that he saw John fall against a hot radiator and was unable to move him despite the fact that John’s arm was visibly burning. On another occasion John collapsed against a small garden wall and cut his head quite deeply. Andrew recalls the fear he had when travelling on the tube with John, and how John used to stand so close to the edge of the tracks.
Eventually the turns got worse and John was re-admitted to hospital. The tumour had returned. He underwent surgery at St Bartholomew’s, but though he survived, he never recovered. He spent the last few months of 1964 in hospital
John died peacefully in St Bartholomew’s Hospital, Smithfield on January 5th 1965. Cause of death was recorded as cerebral neoplasm and bronchopneumonia.
Peter Edward McMenemy & Margaret Kyrle-Fletcher
Peter and John had similar young lives, as is so often the case with twins. Peter was also evacuated to St Michael’s in Hitchin. He also joined the Navy. They even served on the same ships for while. After the cessation of hostilities in the Far East, Peter, unlike John, remained on the ships.
Peter carved out a career with Dupont, working out of Fetter Lane. In 1968 Peter married Margaret Kyrle-Fletcher. Peter continued to do well as an executive with Dupont, the pharmaceutical and textile conglomerate. They lived in Southgate when they first married, then transferred up to Market Harborough. Peter was then promoted and the family moved to Switzerland for several years.
Once retired, Peter was very active in the local community, working with school governors and helping with fund-raising and business awareness. He was also an active member of the local choir.
Peter died in Worthing Hospital, in February 2011, and is buried in the churchyard of Arundel Cathedral.
Mary Angela McMenemy & Peter Guly (1925-1993)
Mary Angela (known as Angela) was born on 2nd August 1929.
In April 1958, Angela married Peter Guly. Angela was a teacher and Peter was a family doctor practising in Bushey Heath, Hertfordshire. Angela lives in Bushey Heath, helping out at the local Hospice and enjoying her evenings with a local choir.
James Michael McMenemy (1937-1971) and Gilia Leather
James Michael was born in September 1937. After his National Service in the RAF, James worked in advertising. In September 1965, James married Gilia Leather. They had several homes over the years, including the gatehouse to the Elizabethan manor at Tewin in Hertfordshire. From there they moved to a more convenient home in Hurlingham.
In an article on Michael Bungey, chief executive of the 9th biggest ad agency in the world (with homes in New York, Sydney and South of France). He says that his biggest influence was
'James McMenemy. He inspired me to set up in business on my own. He died of a brain tumour on the agency's first day'.
James died in June, 1971.
Generation 6
John and Eileen had two children
............................. 5 John Thomas Temple McMenemy b: 09 Feb 1926 in 15 Ardilaun Road, Highbury (2 a.m.); 9th February 1926, 2 a.m., 15 Ardilaun Road; John Thomas, boy, to Thomas John Temple McMenemy and Florence Victoria McMenemy, formerly McDonald; Father’s occupation: Shipping Clerk., d: 05 Jan 1965 in St Bartholomews Hospital, London; 5th January 1965, St Bartholomews Hospital Smithfield. John Thomas McMenemy, Male, 38, of 20 Freston Gardens Cockfosters Herts. Plastics Merchant. 1a Cerebral Neoplasm 11 Bronhopneumonia
............................. +Eileen Mary Roe b: 17 Aug 1926 in 47 Leather Lane, Holborn, d: 09 Oct 1959 in St Bartholomew's Hospital, London; 9 October 1959, St Bartholomews Hospital, Eileen Mary McMenemy, female, 33, of 17 Mayfield Close Harpenden, wife of John Thomas McMenemy Company Director, Cause of Death: Cerebral Infarction due to Carotid Thrombosis., m: 14 May 1951 in Our Lady of Lourdes, New Southgate, London; John Thomas McMenemy; 25; Bachelor; Technical Assistant (Leather Manufacturer) of 40 Melbourne Avenue, Palmers Green; Father: Thomas John Temple McMenemy, Exporters Manager (Leather Manufacturers). Eileen Mary Roe; 24; Spinster; Stockbroker’s Secretary; o
................................... 6 Andrew John McMenemy b: 22 Feb 1952 in St Bartholomew's Hospital, London
................................... +Diane Anita Brian b: 21 Nov 1953 in Royal Northern Hospital, Holloway, London, m: 19 Aug 1973 in Our Lady of Lourdes, New Southgate, London
................................... 6 Jane Eileen McMenemy b: 29 Jun 1955 in St John & St Elizabeth's Hospital, London
................................... +Trevor David Petch b: 27 Jan 1957 in Bromley, Greater London, Middlesex, m: 08 Aug 1981 in Vita et Pax; Cockfosters, Herts
John and Eileen had two children. Andrew John was born at St Bartholomew’s on 22nd February 1952. Andrew went to St Columba's College in St Albans. He married Diane Brian (1953) in August 1973. When first married they lived in Hoddesdon which was between the hospital where Diane worked and the UDT computer centre where Andy worked. Over the years they moved from Hoddesdon to Broom (in Bedfordshire), to Hook (in Hampshire) then to Kingston Gorse (in West Sussex) where Andy was a consultant for IBM. Since retiring, they have moved to North Bersted which is between Bognor Regis and Chichester.
Jane Eileen was born at St John and St Elizabeth’s on 29th June 1955. She went to school at St Michael's Convent in North Finchley. After school and college she joined the bank as a secretary. Whilst working at their Staff Training College she met and married Trevor Petch. They live in Wokingham, and Trevor is now an Independent Financial Advisor. Jane was secretary to the local branch of the National Asthma Campaign, and also worked as an administrator in a nursery school.
Peter and Margaret
Peter and Margaret had three children.
............................. 5 Peter Edward McMenemy b: 09 Feb 1926 in 15 Ardilaun Road, Highbury, d: 12 Feb 2011 in Worthing Hospital, Worthing, West Sussex
............................. +Margaret Kyrle-Fletcher b: 20 Mar 1936 in Newport, Gwent, m: 15 Jun 1968 in Cadogan Street
................................... 6 Mary Louise Zoe McMenemy b: 19 Mar 1969 in Barnet, London
................................... +Alexander Ian Dominic Burge b: 30 May 1967 in Newport, Wales, m: 06 Dec 1998 in Corpus Christi, Maiden Lane, Covent Garden
................................... 6 Simon John McMenemy b: 12 Jun 1971 in Barnet, Greater London, Middlesex
................................... +Marie-Clare Charlotte Harris b: 27 Nov 1970, m: 21 Jun 1997 in Our Most Holy Redeemer & St Thomas More, Chelsea
................................... 6 Nicholas Charles McMenemy b: 17 Dec 1976 in Enfield, Greater London, Middlesex
Mary Louise was born on19th March 1969. She married Alexander Burge in December 1997. They had been living in London Docklands for 12 years but, since the arrival of their first son Harry Alexander (in 1999), have now moved to Turners Hill near Worth in West Sussex. Since moving there, the family has grown again with the birth of Olivier Sebastian, and then James Benedict.
Simon John was born on June 12th, 1971. He went to school at Worth Abbey. He has just been called to the Bar after completing his degree in law. He married Marie-Claire in June 1997 and started their married lives in Fulham. Subsequently, they moved to West Sussex in time for the arrival of their first son, Charles (in 1999). Simon and Marie-Claire have also added to their family with the birth of Annabel Lucy in 2001 and Elizabeth in 2005.
Nicholas Charles was born on December 17th, 1976. After completing his schooling at St Edmund's, Ware he completed his degree at St Andrew's University, reading theology. Nicholas now works in London for one of the Oil companies.
Angela and Peter
Angela and Peter had seven sons in addition to Peter’s first child Bernard. Bernard was born on October 22nd, 1953.
............................. 5 Mary Angela McMenemy b: 02 Aug 1929 in Edmonton, Middlesex
............................. +Peter Joseph Guly b: 13 Apr 1925 in Croydon, Surrey, Kent, d: 10 Apr 1993 in Bushey Heath, Herts, m: 12 Apr 1958 in St Monica's Church, Green Lanes, Palmers Green, Middlesex, m: Abt. 1952
................................... 6 Aidan Hugh Guly b: 30 Mar 1959 in Watford, Hertfordshire
................................... +Anne Doherty b: Unknown, m: Unknown
................................... 6 Damian Peter Guly b: 13 Jan 1961 in Watford, Hertfordshire
................................... +Cecilia-Marie Elisabeth Elvin
................................... 6 Sebastian Edward Francis Guly b: 01 Aug 1962 in Harrow, Greater London
................................... +Susanne Hole b: 06 Mar 1972
................................... 6 Christian Charles Guly b: 12 Apr 1964 in Watford, Hertfordshire, d: 18 Apr 2018
................................... +Jacqueline D Cooper b: Unknown, m: Unknown
................................... 6 Johnathan James Casimir Guly b: 06 Dec 1967 in Watford, Hertfordshire
................................... +Nicola Ann Krisson b: 07 Oct 1967 in Watford, Hertfordshire, d: Unknown, m: Unknown
................................... 6 Alexander Mark Guly b: 10 May 1969 in Watford, Hertfordshire
................................... 6 Richard Joseph Guly b: 25 Apr 1972 in Watford, Hertfordshire
................................... +Nicola J Addington b: Unknown, m: 12 Apr 1997 in Bushey Heath
James and Gilia
James and Gilia had two daughters
............................. 5 James Michael McMenemy b: 23 Sep 1937 in 73 Palmerston Crescent, Southgate, d: 19 Jun 1971 in Fulham, London
............................. +Gilia Leather b: 22 Jan 1941 in Henley, Oxfordshire, m: Sep 1964 in Abingdon, Berkshire, m: Sep 1974 in Islington, Middlesex, m: 1996 in Westminster, London
................................... 6 Sarah Jane McMenemy b: 02 Aug 1965 in Hatfield, Hertfordshire
................................... +Malcolm Dixon b: Unknown
................................... 6 Lucy Ann McMenemy b: 06 Nov 1966 in St Albans, Herts
................................... +Mark Monaghan
Sarah Jane who was born on August 2nd, 1966. She is a successful artist and lives in London with her partner Malcolm Dixon. Sarah and Malcolm have two children, Georgia and Theo.
Sarah has a website at
Lucy Ann was born on November 6th, 1967. She earned a Masters from the Royal College of Art, and had been working at a gallery in London. She has recently changed jobs. Lucy lives with her partner Mark and they have a lovely daughter, Coral and son Leo.
Generation 7
Andrew and Diane had two daughters
................................... 6 Andrew John McMenemy b: 22 Feb 1952 in St Bartholomew's Hospital, London
................................... +Diane Anita Brian b: 21 Nov 1953 in Royal Northern Hospital, Holloway, London, m: 19 Aug 1973 in Our Lady of Lourdes, New Southgate, London
......................................... 7 Kim Eloise McMenemy b: 22 Sep 1976 in Hertford Hospital, Hertford, Herts, England
......................................... +Jonathan Anthony Morton b: 09 Sep 1969 in Coventry, Warwickshire, m: 21 Mar 2013 in Koh Lanta Yai, Thailand
......................................... +Neil Andrew Hardcastle b: 10 Apr 1975, m: 15 Jul 2000 in St John The Baptist Cathedral, Portsmouth
......................................... 7 Zoe Donna McMenemy b: 10 Aug 1978 in 7 Newton Close, Hoddesdon, Herts. England (Registered in Broxbourne)
......................................... +Peter Anthony Dowdell b: 17 Nov 1964 in Salisbury, Wiltshire; ?, m: 23 Jun 2017 in Chichester, Sussex, m: 01 Jun 1990 in Paderborn, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany, m: Apr 1998 in North Dorset, Dorset
Kim Eloise was born 22nd September 1976. After leaving school and college she worked with autistic children for a couple of years. Then she took up a temporary post with IBM prior to spending time at the University of Portsmouth. She then worked as Psychiatric Care Assistant. Kim married Neil Hardcastle, a graphics designer, on 15th July 2000 at Portsmouth Cathedral.Unfortunately, this did not last. Once single again, Kim left the UK and moved to Thailand. Living on Phi Phi Island in the Andaman Sea, she learned to dive and took her exams to become a diving instructor. For several years she now lived on the island of Koh Lanta with her husband, Jon. Briefly they moved to Koh Phi Phi, but then, in 2019 came back to live in England. Kim works for an Insurance Company.
Zoe Donna was born 10th August 1978. She also went to work with autistic children after leaving college. Then she worked for a spell as the receptionist at an hotel, before joining IBM where she worked as a customer support specialist. She moved away from Hampshire and spent some time working in an employment agency before getting a job for a media intelligence company. She moved on from there to a temporary role on the switchboard of Ford Open Prison. They offered her a permanent job and she spent the next 10 years or so there, finishing up as the hub manager for the prison administration. In 2015 she left the Prison and took up a new role as a security manager at Gatwick Airport. As a result of the 2020 pandemic, Zoe left Gatwick and took up a role as a Store Manager for Lidl (assuming that, whatever is going on in world, people will need to shop for food).
Jane and Trevor
Jane and Trevor had two sons
................................... 6 Jane Eileen McMenemy b: 29 Jun 1955 in St John & St Elizabeth's Hospital, London
................................... +Trevor David Petch b: 27 Jan 1957 in Bromley, Greater London, Middlesex, m: 08 Aug 1981 in Vita et Pax; Cockfosters, Herts
......................................... 7 John Ezra David Petch b: 29 Oct 1988 in Royal Berkshire Hospital, Reading
......................................... 7 Mark James Brian Petch b: 01 Oct 1991 in Royal Berkshire Hospital, Reading
Jane and Trevor Petch have two sons, John Ezra David born October 29th, 1988; and Mark James Brian born October 1st, 1991.
Mary Louise and Alex
Mary Louise and Alex had three sons
................................... 6 Mary Louise Zoe McMenemy b: 19 Mar 1969 in Barnet, London
................................... +Alexander Ian Dominic Burge b: 30 May 1967 in Newport, Wales, m: 06 Dec 1998 in Corpus Christi, Maiden Lane, Covent Garden
......................................... 7 Harry Alexander Temple Burge b: 30 Sep 1999 in London Hospital, Whitechapel
......................................... 7 Oliver Sebastian Temple Burge b: 10 Mar 2003 in East Surrey, Surrey
......................................... 7 James Benedict Burge b: 24 Aug 2004 in East Surrey, Surrey; 7lbs 14ozs
Simon and Marie-Clare.
Simone and Marie-Clare had a son and two daughters
................................... 6 Simon John McMenemy b: 12 Jun 1971 in Barnet, Greater London, Middlesex
................................... +Marie-Clare Charlotte Harris b: 27 Nov 1970, m: 21 Jun 1997 in Our Most Holy Redeemer & St Thomas More, Chelsea
......................................... 7 Charles Edward McMenemy b: 02 Aug 1999 in Kensington and Chelsea, London
......................................... 7 Annabel Lucy McMenemy b: 22 Nov 2001 in Haywards Heath, West Sussex
......................................... 7 Elizabeth Sophie F McMenemy b: 17 Aug 2005 in Haywards Heath, West Sussex
Aidan had two sons
................................... 6 Aidan Hugh Guly b: 30 Mar 1959 in Watford, Hertfordshire
................................... +Anne Doherty b: Unknown, m: Unknown
......................................... 7 Stephen Guly b: 08 Oct 1993
......................................... 7 Michael Peter Gully b: 24 Nov 1996 in Watford General Hospital, Herts
Damian had three sons and a daughter
................................... 6 Damian Peter Guly b: 13 Jan 1961 in Watford, Hertfordshire
................................... +Cecilia-Marie Elisabeth Elvin
......................................... 7 Cara-Rose Elvin-Gully b: 21 Jan 2011
................................... +Carol Jennings b: Unknown, m: 06 May 1989 in Watford, Hertfordshire
......................................... 7 Alexandra Christine Guly b: 20 Apr 1990 in Watford, Hertfordshire
......................................... 7 James Guly b: 07 Jan 1992
......................................... 7 Robert Guly b: 05 Jan 1996
Sebastian and Susanne
Sebastian has two daughters
................................... 6 Sebastian Edward Francis Guly b: 01 Aug 1962 in Harrow, Greater London
................................... +Susanne Hole b: 06 Mar 1972
......................................... 7 Hannah Guly b: 24 Jul 2007
......................................... 7 Rebecca Guly b: 17 Feb 2009
Jonathan has two sons and a daughter
................................... 6 Johnathan James Casimir Guly b: 06 Dec 1967 in Watford, Hertfordshire
................................... +Nicola Ann Krisson b: 07 Oct 1967 in Watford, Hertfordshire, d: Unknown, m: Unknown
......................................... 7 James Gully b: 28 Apr 2000 in Watford, Hertfordshire
......................................... 7 Peter Matthew Gully b: 24 Jul 2003 in Watford, Hertfordshire
......................................... 7 Katie Gully b: 10 Oct 2006
Sarah McMenemy
Sarah has a son and a daughter
................................... 6 Sarah Jane McMenemy b: 02 Aug 1965 in Hatfield, Hertfordshire
................................... +Malcolm Dixon b: Unknown
......................................... 7 Georgia Phoebe Dixon b: 09 Feb 1997 in Islington, London
......................................... 7 Theo James L Dixon b: May 2000 in Islington, London
Lucy McMenemy and her partner Mark
Lucy has a daughter and a son
................................... 6 Lucy Ann McMenemy b: 06 Nov 1966 in St Albans, Herts
................................... +Mark Monaghan
......................................... 7 Coral Jean Monaghan b: 07 Jan 2002 in Whipp's Cross Hospital
......................................... 7 Leo Monaghan b: Jan 2007
Generation 8
Zoe (McMenemy) Dowdell
Zoe has a daughter
......................................... 7 Zoe Donna McMenemy b: 10 Aug 1978 in 7 Newton Close, Hoddesdon, Herts. England (Registered in Broxbourne)
......................................... +Peter Anthony Dowdell b: 17 Nov 1964 in Salisbury, Wiltshire; ?, m: 23 Jun 2017 in Chichester, Sussex, m: 01 Jun 1990 in Paderborn, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany, m: Apr 1998 in North Dorset, Dorset
............................................... 8 Ellie Louise Dowdell b: 29 Mar 2017 in Chichester, West Sussex, England
......................................... +Jason Robin George Sabine b: 27 Jul 1973 in Worthing, m: 11 Nov 2006 in Horsley Towers, East Horsley, Surrey
Alexandra Guly
Alexandra has a son
......................................... 7 Alexandra Christine Guly b: 20 Apr 1990 in Watford, Hertfordshire
............................................... 8 Oliver Guly