GRO Extracts
Note: the Scottish records are now available online. This facility gives you access to the indexes of Births, Marriages, and Deaths from the statutory records, the indexes to the Old Parish Records, and also the 1891 census. You can follow this link to Scots Origins.
The following extract is from the English Public Records Office, more can be found by accessing the Free BMD site or the 1837Online site
Name |
Type |
Place |
PRO Reference |
McMenemy, Blanche | Birth | South Shields | 1865/xxx/10a/620 |
McMenemy, Mary L | Birth | Bermondsey | 1866/Jun/1d/44 |
Census Extracts
1861 - Glasgow
Address |
Surname |
Forename |
Relation |
Marital Status |
Age | Sex |
Occupation |
County of |
24 Wilson Street | McMenemy | Michael | Head | M | 52 | M | Journeyman Tailor | Ireland |
McMenemy | Sarah | Wife | M | 51 | F | . | Ireland | |
McMenemy | Charles | Son | S | 21 | M | Journeyman Tailor | Glasgow | |
McMenemy | James | Son | S | 10 | M | Scholar | Edinburgh |
Census Sources
Several websites have opened up providing online help with census research. Here are some links that you might find useful:
- UK Census, 1841
- UK Census, 1851
- UK Census, 1861
- UK Census, 1871
- UK Census, 1881
- UK Census, 1891
- UK Census, 1901
- UK Census, 1911
Vital Records
The vital records have been split into separate pages for Births, Marriages and Deaths. In turn these have been split down into date ranges.
The 1831 Census of Londonderry | 1831 Census - Londonderry |
The 1881 Census - my Index to variant spellings of the family name | 1881 Census |
The 1910 Census for Pennsylvania | 1910 Census - Pennsylvania |
Scottish Births (1790-1849) | Births 1790-1849 |
Scottish Births (1850-1859) | Births 1850-1859 |
Scottish Births (1860-1869) | Births 1860-1869 |
Scottish Births (1870-1875) | Births 1870-1875 |
Scottish Marriages (1790-1849) | Marriages 1790-1849 |
Scottish Marriages (1850-1859) | Marriages 1850-1859 |
Scottish Marriages (1860-1869) | Marriages 1860-1869 |
Scottish Marriages (1870-1875) | Marriages 1870-1879 |
Scottish Deaths (1850-1859) | Deaths 1850-1859 |
Scottish Deaths (1860-1869) | Deaths1860-1869 |
Scottish Deaths (1870-1875) | Deaths 1870-1875 |
War Deaths (1910-1919) | Deaths 1910-1919 |
War Deaths (1940 -1949) | Deaths 1940-1949 |
Note that Carol Queen has also extracted births and marriage records for Co.Donegal and features them on her website. (Click here to jump to Carol's records)
Hearth Money Rolls
These are extracts from the 1665 Hearth Money Rolls for Donegal
Family name | Forename | Barony | Parish | Location |
m'Maneemy | Dermund | Bannagh & Boylagh | Kilbegs | Kilterny |
m'Menemy | Phelomy | Raphoe | Raphoe | Castleetorries |
m'Manumy | Phelomy | Raphoe | Donoughmore | Castlefin |
m'Meenumin | Bryan | Raphoe | Donoughmore | Killineur estate |
m'Manumy | Torlagh | Raphoe | Stranorlar | Galwilly |
m'Manumy | Torlagh | KIlmacrenan | Gartan | Carowtresna |
Keminy | Robert | KIlmacrenan | Conwall | Airds |
(Thanks to John D McLaughlin for these extracts).