Why Emigration not Immigration? Well, we interested in the diaspora, and how it has been created from the original homelands... rather than how any one particular area of the world has been populated with our family.

Passenger Lists

John D McLaughlin has kindly provided the following lists of McMenamins of various spellings sailing from the Port of Londonderry 1847-1871.

These were originally transcribed by Brian Mitchell, 1988

Lists of Passengers Sailing from Londonderry to America on Ships of the J. & J. Cooke Line and the McCorkell Line

McMenamin, Hugh, from Dromore, to St. John on the Marchioness of Clydesdale,1847
McMenamin, James, from Castlederg, to Philadelphia on the Alleghany, 1847; with: Sarah, John age 5, Margaret age 3, Hugh age 1
McMenamin, William, from Castlefin, to Philadelphia on the Hershell, 1847
McMenamin, Mary, from Castlederg, to Quebec on the Helen Thompson, 1847
McMenamin, John, from Castlederg, to Quebec on the Leander, 1847
McMenamin, James, from Killygordon, to Philadelphia on the Barbara, 1847
McMenamin, John, from Letterkenny, to Philadelphia on the Barbara, 1847
McMenamin, Elizabeth, from Lagh, to Philadelphia on the Hershell, 1847
MacMenamin, James, from Stranorlar, on the John Clakre to St. John, 1847; with: Nancy, Margaret, Cornelius age 10, Margaret age 8, Susan age 6, Ann age 4, Catherine 9m
McMenamin, Ann, from Castlederg, to Philadephia on the Mary Campbell, 1848
McMenamin, Hugh, from Strabane, to New Oreleans on the Superior, 1848
McMenamin, Michael, from Donemana, to St. John on the Londonderry, 1849
McMenamin, Bern, from Strabane, to St. John on the James Redden, 1950
McMenamin, Grace, from Castlederg, to Philadelphia on the Superior, 1850
McMenamin, Catharine, from Strabane, to Philadelphia on the Superior, 1850
McMenamin, John, from Strabane, to Philadelphia on the Superior, 1850
McMenamin, Rose, from Donamana, to Philadelphia on the Superior, 1850
McMenamin, Rose Ann, age 13, from Strabane Workhouse, to Quebec on the Envoy, 1851; with: Sarah
McMenamin, Nancy, from Letterkenny, to St. John on the Mary ann, 1852
McMenamin, Pat, from Termone, to St. John on the Mary Ann, 1852; with: Mary, Rosey, Fanny
McMenamin, James, from Claudy, to St. John on the Mary Ann, 1852
McMenaman, Isabella, age 16, to Philadelphia on the Roger Stewart, 1853
McMenamin, Mary, from Raphoe, to Quebec on the Envoy, 1853
McMenamin, William, age 36, from Limavady, to Philadelphia on the Roger Stewart, 1853 with: Jane, age 45; Mary Jane, age 7, William James, age 5
McMenamin, Rose, from Castlederg, to Philadelphia on the Envoy, 1853
McMenamin, Henry, age 18, from Park, to St. John on the Mary Ann, 1854
McMenamin, Jane, age 20, from Stranorlar, to Philadelphia on the Superior, 1854
McMenamin, John, age 23, from Ballyarton, to St. John on the Mary Ann, 1855
McMenamin, Patrick, age 20, from Strabane, to Philadelphia on the Argentinus, 1855
McMenamin, Margaret, age 24, from Stranorlar, to Philadelphia on the Superior, 1856
McMenemy, Pat, age 21, from Raphoe, to Philadelphia on the Elizabeth, 1857
McMenamin, Ann, age 17, from Tyrone, to Philadelphia on the Elizabeth, 1857 with: Patrick, age 19
McMenamin, Michael, age 59, from Derry, to Philadelphia on the Elizabeth, 1859
Mcmenamin, Bridget, age 22, from Ballybofey, to Philadelphia on the Elizabeth, 1861
McMenamin, Catharine, from Castledaw P.O., to Philadelphia on the Stadacona, 1864
McMenamin, Hugh, from Castlederg, to Philadelphia on the Village Belle, 1864
Mcmenamin, Edward, from Molenan, Killygorden P.O., to Philadelphia on the Mohongo, 1864
McMenamin, Margaret, age 21, from Cstlederg, to Philadelphia on the Nubia, 1864 with: Grace, age 18
McMenamin, John, P.M. Castlederg, to Philadelphia on the Stadacona, 1864 with: Hannah
McMenamin, Catharine, from Castlederg, to Philadelphia on the Minnehaha, 1864
McMenomin, James, from Meeting House Street, Raphoe, 1864 (Order returned)
McMenomin, Anne, from Menehera, Killeter P.O., to Philadelphia, 1864
McMenamin, Mary A., from Ballybofey, Co Donegal, to Philadelphia on the Village Belle, 1864
McMenemin, ane, age 24, to Philadelphia on the Elizabeth, 1864 with: Bridget, age 8
McMenamin, Mary, from Meenamullin, Killeter P.O. to Philadephia on the Minnehaha, 1865
McMenomin, Patrick, from Monalleir, Killygordon P.O, to Philadelphia on the Mohongo, 1865
McMenomin, Ann, from Greagh, Killeter P.O., to Philadelphia on the Stadacona, 1865
McMenamin, Agnes, age 16, from L'Derry, to Philadelphia on the Huron, 1865
McMenamin, Margaret, to Philadelphia on the Mohongo, 1866
McMenamin, Sarah, from Abledagart, Killygordon P.O., to Philadlphia on the Stadacona, 1866
McMenamin, Srah, from Butcher Street, Strabane, to Philadlphia on the Stadacona, 1866
McMenamin, Mary, to Philadelphia on the Mohongo, 1866
McMenamin, James, age 32, from Strabane, to St. John on the Doctor Kane, 1866 with: Esther, age 20
McMenamin, Mary, to Philadelphia on the Village Belle, 1868
McMenomy, Sarah, from Castlederg, to Philadelphia on the Village Belle, 1868
McMenomin, Catharine, from Sharaghy, Killeter P.O. Tyrone, to Philadephia on the Minnehaha, 1868
McMenomin, John, from Creigh, Killeter P.O., to Philadelphia, 1868
McMenomin, Mary, from Crough, Killeter P.O. Tyrone, to Philadelphia, 1868
McMenonoy, Hannah, from Tievebrock, Castlefin, to Philadelphia on the Minnehaha, 1869
McMenomin, Daniel, from Aughtely, Castlefin P.O., to Philadelphia on the Stadacona, 1869

Immigrant Ships

The Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild (ISTG) transcribes the passenger manifests from various immigrant ships on their arrival at the ports of entry. Manifests of over 1000 ships have been recorded. Among these are entries for various McM* families:

McMenamen Brig Ontario
McMamany SS Bell
McManamin SS Caledonia
McMenamin Brig Ann
McMeniman Ship Susquehanna
McMenimon Bark Creole
McMenomon Bark Creole
McManemin Ship Albert Galletan
McMenansin SS Ethiopia
McMenemy General Putnam
McMennenny SS Arlington
McMenomy General Putnam